

NAWMA has partnered with Bin Thinking to run waste management education in primary schools.

Primary school aged children (year levels 4-6) can now learn about responsible waste management through fun and interactive sessions delivered by NAWMA’s school education partner, Bin Thinking. Working closely with NAWMA, Bin Thinking’s workshops will equip staff and students with the skills and knowledge required to make wise waste management decisions at school and home.

Bin Thinking’s workshops are stand-alone sessions that involve a presentation, hands-on activities, and take-home resources. To enhance the learning experience, classes are encouraged to engage in both pre-session and post-session activities. This allows the school to measure the impact the workshop has had on the school community. The workshops will give students a deeper understanding of recycling and waste management, empower participants to apply these skills at school and encourage them to make positive changes at home.

Bin Thinking’s workshops link to the National Curriculum and can be tailored to focus on specific areas of waste management depending on the school’s needs. NAWMA ensures the school community is provided with up-to-date information about waste management that is specific and relevant to their community.

Bin Thinking’s innovative educational approach encourages students to make smarter decisions at a local level, which will contribute to positive global outcomes.

Please contact NAWMA here for more information.

PD Sessions For Teachers

See KESAB for more information.