Hard Waste Service - City of Salisbury

City of Salisbury

Residents of the City of Salisbury can use a hard waste service to recycle large items that cannot be placed in the yellow-lid kerbside bin. NAWMA provides each household with two, free hard-waste services each financial year (July – June). You can choose to have your items collected from the verge, in front of your property or you can use a hard waste drop-off voucher and take your items to one of two local Resource Recovery Centres.

No more than 2m long,
1m high and 1m wide.

For a hard waste collection only:

  • All items should be placed for collection before 7am on the pickup day.
  • Collection is between 7am and sunset.
  • Items must be neatly stacked on the verge in front of your property.
  • Small items can be placed together in cardboard boxes.

For more information please download our information brochure.